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Full Version: Forum Permission Inheritance
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I have just a general question that I couldn't seem to find any information on and nothing to suggest that it works this way.

I'm curious if I setup a Category, set specific permissions if all of the sub/child forums will inherit these permissions or if I have to specify the permissions per forum.

Essentially, I want the board to be public, minus certain categories that specific custom user groups that will have permission to view/post. I do NOT want registered, guest or any other public logins to even be able to see the forum.

Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3

|_ Forum 1
- Rank 1 should be able to view/post
- Rank 2 should be able to view/post/moderate
|_ Forum 2
- Rank 1 should be able to view only
- Rank 2 should be able to view/post/moderate
|_ Forum 3
- Rank 1 should NOT be able to view/post
- Rank 2 should be able to view/post

Rank 3 will have view/post/moderate on all three forums.
All public user groups will not have any permissions whatsoever.

There will be multiple forums using permission structures like this, I would like to set the "default" based on the Category, and set specific permissions where necessary on each individual forum, overriding the "default". I only want it this way for ease of administration and in case I inevitably forget one time to set permissions.

Also; I'm using PostgreSQL and I had to manually increment the start of the sequence for the default user groups. If you need more information about this I'll be happy to provide it.

If you assign permissions to a category, then people who have no permission to view it will be unable to see any forums inside of it.
Could they still not access the forum with a direct link?
Yes, if that forum allows them to view it.
Actually, I just setup a test account, and it appears that the permissions do cascade from the category. ( Should have done this to begin with, lazy I suppose, sorry )

Even with a direct link I was unable to view it, sorry for the hassle. I'm glad it works this way though and appreciate your help.
Permission do cascade from parent categories or forums.

Just need to set permissions for the most upper category.