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Full Version: Is there anyway of disabling these
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Is there any way of disabling these - so people have to physically go into there user cp to activate them

ie have them default as off

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as we still cannot get emails to work, and we don't want to hack people off
In the member_register template, find and remove the following:

spot on thank you - it's only temp until we can get our email php thingy sorted
thanks again
ok, tried that and still gave the options on the profiles and posts....

am I missing something here?

can these options be taken off the forum so people cannot tick them on the templates etc


ie - the above (gratefully received) stop them in the registration

but on the user cp and posts - still allows email options
can these be taken out as well?
thanks again

then changed
<!-- <label><input type="radio" name="postoptions[subscriptionmethod]" {$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont} value="" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->no_email_subscribe}</label><br /> // -->


<label><input type="radio" name="postoptions[subscriptionmethod]" {$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none} value="none" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> Subscribe via CP Panel</label><br />

<!-- <tr>
<td valign="top" width="1"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="pmnotify" id="pmnotify" value="1" {$pmnotifycheck} /></td>
<td><span class="smalltext"><label for="pmnotify">{$lang->pm_notify}</label></span></td>
</tr> // -->



<label><input type="radio" name="postoptions[subscriptionmethod]" {$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_instant} value="instant" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->instant_email_subscribe}</label><br />

taken that line out...

so how do I stop people email via the profiles?

ie -

Email: Send ukanimal an email.

is there a way of hiding this
Hide your email from other members.
perm, but make it default the answer is hide it so no one can email people
or take off the option in the profile to the other users?
found it thanks
just closed this file off and hopefully all done
thanks people for your help