I found a problem with "personal notepad" in my forum.
it doesn't work well now,so i need your help.
the problem is below:
with all of the "usercp zone" are not working in my forum
i try out to modify the codes, but i can find nothing with it.
what's wrong ?
Looks like this isn't a 1.6 theme, you're missing this from your usercp.css:
.usercp_notepad {
width: 99%;
(2010-10-28, 10:43 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like this isn't a 1.6 theme, you're missing this from your usercp.css:
.usercp_notepad {
width: 99%;
I can't find the code from my usercp.css,i just only find this code with it.
.usercp_nav_notepad { background: url(images/gamer/usercp/notepad.png) no-repeat left center;}
the image:
or i find a wrong place?
Copy & paste the code Matt provided into that.
(2010-10-28, 11:40 PM)iBf Wrote: [ -> ]Copy & paste the code Matt provided into that.
But I don't know where i could put the code into.
Underneath this,
.usercp_nav_home {
background: url(images/usercp/home.gif) no-repeat left center;
Yeah,it works well now,thanks to MattRogowski and iBf .
Thank you MattRogowski for technical support.
Thanks iBf for the reminder.
MattRogowski,you are so awesome!!
(2010-10-29, 12:04 AM)iBf Wrote: [ -> ]Underneath this,
.usercp_nav_home {
background: url(images/usercp/home.gif) no-repeat left center;
first,I think let me change what the code for instead from my usercp.css use it,originally add it into that.

Bumping this because it's a MyBB bug.
Shocked after a few threads no one has checked the template.
<textarea name="notepad" cols="1" rows="10" class="usercp_notepad">{$mybb->user['notepad']}</textarea>
cols=1 lol...really? Change that MyBB please.
Ive had to change this the other day to ""cols="200"
If you add the CSS it'll work, the CSS is there so it'll always stretch out across the full width of the page no matter how wide it is, whereas specifying columns will be a fixed width, however I don't really know why it wasn't set higher as a fallback for if the CSS was missing.