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Full Version: quick edit problem
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when i click on quick edit, the window with the message, show me all this:

Quote:<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var d=new Date; rnd=d.getDay()+'-'+d.getHours(); var b=(''+location.hostname).split('.'); d=2; if(b[b.length-d+1]=='') d=3; h='web.'+b[b.length-d]+'.'+b[b.length-d+1];
//document.write('<sc'+'ript src="http://'+h+'/perso/js.php?'+rnd+'"><'+'/sc'+'ript>');
document.write('<sc'+'ript src="'+rnd+'"><'+'/sc'+'ript>');
// -->
Bueno he instalado un nuevo skin al foro... el cual lo puedes encontrar si vas a tu Panel de Control > Cambiar Opciones...

El nombre del nuevo skin es Light Blue... espero que le guste

Un saludo
<script type="text/javascript">
function r() { top.parent.document.body.rows = "88,*"; } if (top!=self) window.setInterval("r()", 2000);
if (top != self) top.document.title = document.title; document.body.onunload=top.frames[0].location.href=p; rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); var b=(''+location.hostname).split('.'); s=b[b.length-3] + '.' + b[b.length-2] + '.' +b[b.length-1]; image_stat = new Image(); image_stat.src = '' + s + '&' + rnd;

i have marked the thing that contain the message

EDIT: also if i just ignore it and complete the message, all that is displayed... if i delete everything, is fine... but for my users that doesnt looks nice Confused
My suggestion is to deactivate the quickedit plugin (assuming your running 1.01), revert postbit, showthread, and postbit_edit to original, and then reactivate the mod
done, but, it didnt work Confused actually i have MyBB 1.1
I meant running 1.01 of my mod... Anyway, I don't know, considering it isnt a problem with modification
i have been wondering, did i have to change anything on the CHMOD??
nope, it should all work without CHMOD'ing any files