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Full Version: Database Errors
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On my forum - - i keep getting database errors. I have repaired the database but there is an area that is corrupt which keeps providing the error. I have had a look in phpmyadmin and cannot find anything with the TID of 3.

Any help will be appreciated.

Error Message

error message Wrote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
29 - File './host4_FORUMv2/mybb_themes.MYD' not found (Errcode: 2)

SELECT name, tid, properties, stylesheets FROM mybb_themes WHERE tid='3' LIMIT 1

Edit 1 - I have semi fixed it. I restored a previous backup.
Try re-uploading the files again. That should solve it. Smile
It was a database Issue. I fixed it now Smile.