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Full Version: Question regarding a code modification...
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Well, this question is about a code modification I was doing on my forums. I want to put the information like this:


But, I have this:


I modified the forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost and forumbit_depth1_forum_lastpost... the code of the templates is:

<span class="smalltext">
<a href="showthread.php?tid=$lastposttid&amp;action=lastpost"><strong>$lastpostsubject</strong></a>
<br />$lang->by <a href="member.php?action=profile&amp;uid=lastposter&amp;fid=$forum[fid]">$lastposter</a>
<div align="right">$lastpostdate $lastposttime<br />
<b>Info:</b> $threads temas - $posts posts</div></span>
Anyone can help me to show the number of posts/threads of each forum with that organization? Thanks very much! Smile
it can't be dont that simple way u did.

it need a complex modification.
1st to check who is the last poster , gets his info from the db, then display them using the variable you have used

Thanks for the reply! I don't understand very well how to do it, and if is really difficult... if someone know how to do the modification and can help me will be great... Smile