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Full Version: Basic Portal Help?
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So I understand the portal is in HTML and I understand HTML and SOME (use lightly) PHP. I was able to fully setup a forum with no help and add tons of packages fairly easy, so im not too stupid.

I know that you go here to get to the portal:
Via the Portal Templates. ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > **expand template set** > Portal Templates.

I need help with:
What part of that "Portal Templates" to exatly add html to do what. IE if i add to the top what will it do if i add in the middle exc exc.

How do I add blocks?
How do I modify block sizes?
What kind of blocks can I add...

and other questions im oviosly forgetting...
What do you want to add and where?
(2010-11-20, 11:52 PM)AJS Wrote: [ -> ]What do you want to add and where?

I want to know everything i can do that way i know what would be best...
You can add many default blocks from the portal settings, and can do just about anything with html under post templates. Try it out.

check this out