2010-11-20, 10:02 PM
So I understand the portal is in HTML and I understand HTML and SOME (use lightly) PHP. I was able to fully setup a forum with no help and add tons of packages fairly easy, so im not too stupid.
I know that you go here to get to the portal:
I need help with:
What part of that "Portal Templates" to exatly add html to do what. IE if i add to the top what will it do if i add in the middle exc exc.
How do I add blocks?
How do I modify block sizes?
What kind of blocks can I add...
and other questions im oviosly forgetting...
I know that you go here to get to the portal:
Via the Portal Templates. ACP > Templates & Style > Templates > **expand template set** > Portal Templates.
I need help with:
What part of that "Portal Templates" to exatly add html to do what. IE if i add to the top what will it do if i add in the middle exc exc.
How do I add blocks?
How do I modify block sizes?
What kind of blocks can I add...
and other questions im oviosly forgetting...