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Full Version: White Screen of Death
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I'm troubled by the "white screen of death" bug that's existed ever since I've started using MyBB and is still there in v1.6 - the error is difficult to replicate because it appears randomly and randomly vanishes, but it's rather irritating and paralyzes parts of the site.

The problem obviously is the white screen of death - sometimes when I go to click on a thread, I get nothing but a blank, white screen. Totally bleached page within a browser - that's all I can see. The rest of the forum loads fine, just this one page would not load.

Then after some time the page starts loading as a normal page again but it will first frustrate the crap out of the members who are unable to see the page.

It may be related to newly added replies as it appears as though it's only a random one thread from the list of the ones with latest replies that would have this white screen of death, but this could be random so I'm unable to say for sure.

I have not had any mods done to the forum, no new plugins have been installed, no mods to htaccess or anything of sorts. It is not related to the latest release of the script either as it has existed for many versions, but again - it is difficult to replicate as it doesn't seem to follow any solid pattern, other than the one listed above - that from what I've noticed, it usually happens to a thread that had a reply added recently.

Is this perhaps related to caching? Is there a way to eliminate this phenomenon?
Could be any number of things, is there anything in your server error log??
I'll ask my techs if there's anything in the log.
Just noticed something truly interesting. When I'm logged out, or logged in as a normal member, the page loads up fine. However when I login as a moderator or an administrator, the page loads up blank. It would seem that the white page of death is limited to members with higher provileges. Definitely some kind of a bug which has been adragging for a very long time. Would be nice if it could be addressed.
Wanted to bring this white screen of death to developers' attention again. Surely you must have experienced it yourself if you post on a forum as a user with admin or supermoderator privileges. It happens on multipage threads, usually when you want to access second page.
Not once had this problem on these forums since I registered. Nobody has ever been able to give solid reproduction steps for this, so we can't fix anything if we don't know where to look or what's actually going wrong.
Can I ask if at any point you merged this forum from another software and have convert.php installed from the merge system? There was an old bug in that that did create the blank screen when you logged in.

If you can somehow replicate the white screen by a logout/login action then we can find the bug. You'll have to shut down the forum do some echo code but you can figure out where the script dies.
(2010-12-07, 03:50 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Not once had this problem on these forums since I registered.

White Screen when Searching? Toungue
Well, that's an exception Toungue Most people who have this have it when using the last post link or something.