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Full Version: Fatal Error, Please Help!
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I was installing some plug-ins and deleting some, then when i went to the site, i got this message:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare find_replace_templatesets() (previously declared in /home/rsdirect/public_html/forums/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php:22) in /home/rsdirect/public_html/forums/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php on line 78

my acp still works though. Sad please help me someone!

Site Url:
In the plugin you're trying to upload, look in the activate and deactivate functions, it'll have code to include the adminfunctions_templates.php file; it'll currently say either include or require, change this to require_once and it should be OK.
i uploaded like 10 plug-ins, but i will look now. Smile thank you Smile
where do i look matt? i can't figure it out Sad
Upload the plugins 1 at a time until the error pops up so you can determine which plugin is causing problems.

Then in the actual pluginfile ("PLUGINNAME.php")
Look at the
PLUGINNAME_activate() and PLUGINNAME_deactivate() functions for something like
include "adminfunctions_templates.php";
require "adminfunctions_templates.php";

And change it to:
require_once "adminfunctions_templates.php";

It'd be "inc/adminfunctions_templates", but the thing you have to look at is the include/require.
i deactivated each plug-in one by one and found the problem causer:

Header Announcements (1.0)
Adds Your Announcements (Like: Warnings , Messages and ...) In header.
Created by Mohammad Zangeneh

thanks for the help matt and tommy