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Full Version: about moderator permissions
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sorry if i'm posting in the wrong section.

i want to ask something about moderators permissions.
i have 2 moderator accounts, 1 as the super moderator (groupID 3 / gid=3) and the other as forum moderator (groupID 6 / gid=6).

what i want to do is limiting the forum moderator permissions such as i don't want the forum moderator to change user's "user title" and only the super moderator and the administrator can do that.
is there any free plugins or what should i do to hide the option for change user title in the modcp if the moderator who access the modcp only forum moderator not the super moderator?
i have been working on a plugin like this. It was my first ever coding when i was 200% n00b. I stopped working on it long ago. You can try to modify this to do your job

Update: I can't find the plugin anymore. Maybe it went away when i formatted my pc. Sad
(2010-11-28, 02:42 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]Use this:

thanks ... i'll try it first ..

* update: seems that works for me by this time. but then another question come in my mind.

what about if i want my forum moderator can only ban user for maximum 3 days? so the options in the lift ban section will only show 1, 2, and 3 days only.