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admin user group 4

my config.php
$config['database']['type'] = 'mysql';
$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$config['database']['username'] = 'xxxxx';
$config['database']['password'] = 'xxxxx';
$config['database']['database'] = 'xxxxx';
$config['database']['table_prefix'] = 'mybb_';
$config['admin_dir'] = 'admin';
$config['hide_admin_links'] = 0;
$config['cache_store'] = 'db';
$config['super_admins'] = '1';
$config['db_encoding'] = 'utf8';
$config['log_pruning'] = array(
	'admin_logs' => 365, // Administrator logs
	'mod_logs' => 365, // Moderator logs
	'task_logs' => 30, // Scheduled task logs
	'mail_logs' => 180, // Mail error logs
	'user_mail_logs' => 180, // User mail logs
	'promotion_logs' => 180 // Promotion logs

That's not what I asked; in the usergroups table, look at the row for Administrators, is cancp set to 1?? If it's not, then you've removed ACP access from the admin group.
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