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Full Version: Forum moving, database name changes
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Hi guys,

I'm changing host, and would like to keep the pages the way they are, and not have to reinstall MyBB, however, the name of my database is changing, so I would like to know how to change database name and password that MyBB uses to acess the database.

You should make a backup off your current server of all the mybb pages, and also backup the database (can be done easily in phpmyadmin)

Then upload the files to your new server. Use the backup of the database to reinstall the database.

If you need to change the username/password for the database:

Open inc/config.php


$config['hostname'] = "xxxxxxx";
$config['username'] = "xxxxxxx";
$config['password'] = "xxxxxxx";

to whatever the new server requires.

You SHOULD NOT need to change the $config['table_prefix']
You may need to change $config['database'] since chances are not likely that your database name will be the same from one host to another.
Hi, The problem I'm getting is that when I try to upload the database to the new host ( ), I get a SQL syntax error. You can check the database here: [edit by Chris - isn't really safe to post that]

Thank you.
Please post the complete error message.
Nevermind about that, it was that he was using a older MySQL database, and he fixed it. Now the problem I'm having is the URLs, it keeps going to the old url, even thow I changed it to the new one in the settings. Please help.