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Our retarded Root Admin lost his pw, and when asking for a recovery pw, he doesnt get a recovery email.

I read around the forum and found this, but only in the 1.4 support area:

UPDATE mybb_users SET password = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', salt = '' WHERE uid = '1';

does this work??
Yes, that will work, it'll reset it to test.
I thought so too, but it didnt work!
Are you sure their UID is 1??
yes, its the root admin, im 100% sure
Run it again, it's a simple query, it definitely works, I've probably given this query to people 100 times. How many rows does it say it affected when you run it??
Oh my Goodness! I forgot to select a database! Sorry for doubting you mate, thanks for the help, it worked!