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Full Version: missing images (only in Internet Explorer)
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hmm, this one has me confused.

i changed the "buddy_online.gif" and "buddy_offline.gif" at my forum.

i just realized while doing some checking in internet explorer, they don't show up. they show up fine in firefox and google chrome.


if anyone cares to take a look, my forum is at

i wonder if it has something to do with defining the size of the image in pixels in the template...? because i didn't change ANYTHING in the templates, i just reuploaded new images.
You are correct, it shows ok in Firefox but does not show in IE. I downloaded the image and played with it. Firefox shows it as an X-ICON type image. I tried to open it with Photostudio and can't, with Irfanview I get the error: Can't read file header! Unknown file format! I can open (display) the image with Microsoft Office Picture Manager but if I try to save it I have to "Export" the image.!!!

Aparently the image doesn't have the correct image header info. Try using a different image editor.

i used gimp. hmm. thanks for the help.