Me and another user that is admin can't enter to the admin Panel.
The usergroup is fine But for some reason the Link don't appear and When I try to enter Nothing Happens.
Seems how the admin usergroup can't enter to the admin panel.
It's very strange really, any way to got the access again?
What exactly did you do before this happened?? You can't completely remove your admin rights accidentally. If you're sure you're actually in the admin group, look in the usergroups table and make sure cancp is 1 for the admin group.
1. It was on 2 I changued to 1 and nothing Happens. And also I can enter to the mod panel :/
2. Sorry this is for MyBB 1.6 not 1.4 I'm very sorry i'm very distracted today
3. I was editing some usergroups, but not the admin one
2?? It can't possibly be on 2, the code never sets it to 2, are you sure you're looking at the right thing here?? PM me phpMyAdmin login details.
Yes I know is very very strange, But now I fixed it running this query:
DELETE FROM `mybb_datacache` WHERE `title` = 'usergroups'
I suposse that was the cache of MyBB after editing it.
And the 2 was because I run another query some hours Ago and I acidentally put that number.
Sorry and Again THANKS for the fast support.