I upgraded to 1.6 today. My old theme looked a bit off with different forum category margins set differently. One would be correct, and the rest would be much wider. So, I deleted the old theme and used the default theme. However, I get the same exact problem with the margins. Where do I go to correct this issue?
URL of your website please ?
If you go down on the page, you will see that it starts with the 3rd category. I did have Labrocca's tabbed menu plugin with the old mybb version, but I did deactivate all plugins before upgrading. So, I don't know what could be the cause.
I do have my board set to closed, so let me know if you can see it or not.
Yes, please open the board.
Okay... it's ready for you!
Thank you!
I'm not understanding what you mean by "Revert back to Original" any "Green" template. I'm on that page, but where do I go from there? Is there a button for "Revert back to Original?"
Yes, there's a button on right side of each template "Options" Click on it and select "Revert to Original"
But please make sure that the "title" of templates is Green ?
Okay... I went to the following and did NOT see any "Green" titles.
Admin CP --> Templates & Style --> Templates --> Default Templates --> Expand Templates (for each template) --> THERE IS NO GREEN TEMPLATE.
Am I in the right place?
Now I understand what you mean... any templates that the titles are in the color green. I was looking for a template called "Green." LOL. I'm reverting now.
Thanks for your help, and I'll see if this helps.
That worked! Thanks so much!!!!