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From what I understand Google will not index page redirects. Does this apply to domains, and Google? My weblogs are showing other spiders following the redirect but I havent seen google spider lately?

what type of redirect is it? 302 (temp) or 301 (permanent)
Erm, 302 is temporary, 301 is permanent.

It can't be both. :s
perm then
If you use a 301 redirect search engines will drop the directed from site and index the directed to site, presuming it's still worthy of being indexed.
Oops wrong way round Big Grin
Fixed Wink
Glad that is solved...Huh

(2010-12-09, 09:03 PM)postman Wrote: [ -> ]From what I understand Google will not index page redirects. Does this apply to domains, and Google? My weblogs are showing other spiders following the redirect but I havent seen google spider lately?

If what I've posted above doesn't answer your question then can you rephrase it, not really sure what you're asking...?