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Full Version: Custom Userfields
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Hell there ,
I have myBB 1.6 on my Board.
I wan't to make custom Userfields , but when I make some , I get this error when I try to edit an User:
[Image: unbenanntke.png]
Can anyone Help my fast? PLEASE!

@StefanT Kannst auch deutsch reden Wink
Can you post a screen shot of the settings you're using for the custom field?
Sorry , but the name of the userfield is german , because i'm from Germany , but I made the Admin-CP Language to english Toungue
Here , there are two Pictures , because it's too long:
[Image: 73886028.png]
[Image: 59814758.png]

Hope you can help !
I think this is a known bug fixed for 1.6.1.
Can I fix it now? I see much myBB 1.6 Forum's with Custom Userfield's , but why it don't work on my Board? Can you Help me to fix it?
Do you have ICQ?
I don't have ICQ, no, I don't see the need when I'm posting here.

The problem is with the specific type of custom profile field you're using, the multi-option checkbox one, not all custom profile fields. This is the fix:
Can you fix it for me?
The users.php is in attachment.
Try this Smile
@PurPL3 It's not working.
@MattR Can you edit my users.php and fix the problem , please?
Pages: 1 2