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Full Version: Get rid od relative date
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Hi all
How to get rid of relative date (globally, across the board)
So instead of saying toaday, yesterday, it says exact date like 12-11-2010
you can change IST of date accordingly ..

go to admin>Board Settings>Date and Time Formats then select which GMT you want to select for me its
I am not asking for Time Zone but for Time Format
Thanks anyway
I assume its hardcoded, ill have a look for you Smile
EDIT: I cant find any reference, my head is hurting so i may have overlooked it Smile
It's defined in inc/functions.php

		if($todaysdate == $date)
			$date = $lang->today;
		else if($yesterdaysdate == $date)
			$date = $lang->yesterday;
Many thanks doylecc
I will try it