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Full Version: How do i moderate a user
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I've hunted through the options in the admin control panel for about 30 minutes and i've done a forum search on here - with no results found

Asking the question here as a last resort
read this tutorial tutorial it explains all.
in a brief it is the button subforums/ moderators in the forum management.

Thanks for that - but the link you provided only points to different versions of MyBB unless i missed something

I've had a look in the subforums/moderators sections and i'm still none the wiser

MyBB sure does some things different compared to some other forums i've used :-)
what version of mybb are u using
plus show us a screenshot of the subforums/moderators

it should be on the left anyway Confused !!

I appreciate your help and stuff - and while i do like MyBB because it works well and has some nice features - this sort of learning curve for something i regard as a simple option is more pain than its worth .

Will start looking at other forums tommorow unless somebody can give me step by step instructions on how to do it .

Once again , Thanks for all your help as you also took the took the time and effort to help me with another question last week and perhaps one day elsewhere i might be able to return the favour .

All the best .

I'm a little confused here. Moderate a user? Do you eman add them as a moderator of a forum or change their group to the registered one?

To add a forum moderator:
- Click "Manage Forums" under "Forum Management" in the left menu of the Admin CP
- You're presented with a list of your forums. Click the title (or "Subforums/Moderators" button) to go to the "in-depth view" for that forum.
- You'll see a "Forum Moderators" section. Click "New Moderator"
Quote:To add a forum moderator:
- Click "Manage Forums" under "Forum Management" in the left menu of the Admin CP
- You're presented with a list of your forums. Click the title (or "Subforums/Moderators" button) to go to the "in-depth view" for that forum.
- You'll see a "Forum Moderators" section. Click "New Moderator"

These are the steps i described but he still not able to find them there :/ ! i donno, i'm prety sure it is there.

zaher1988 Wrote:read this tutorial it explains all.
in a brief it is the button subforums/ moderators in the forum management.

There is no tutorial under this link.


you have to do it here:
look at the screenshot

Chris Boulton Wrote:I'm a little confused here. Moderate a user? Do you eman add them as a moderator of a forum or change their group to the registered one?

To add a forum moderator:
- Click "Manage Forums" under "Forum Management" in the left menu of the Admin CP
- You're presented with a list of your forums. Click the title (or "Subforums/Moderators" button) to go to the "in-depth view" for that forum.
- You'll see a "Forum Moderators" section. Click "New Moderator"

I see your point as the way i asked the question could be interpreted both ways - sorry lads .

'how do i make a user a moderator'

But wouldnt i have asked the above instead if that was what i was looking for .