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Full Version: Theme not working on main
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Pages: 1 2
fresh install, only graphics show no css(theme).
is there a step i'm missing?
all files that are to be 666 and 777 are as such.
MySQL 4.1.20
php 5.2.3
I even tried to install a different theme and that didn't change nothing but the images. Admin control panel works fine. no errors posting on page.
I think i may know the course could you pm a admin login.
(2010-12-16, 08:45 AM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]I think i may know the course could you pm a admin login.

can you not just explain?
see pm
You've got no CSS. Go to ACP > Templates & Style > **go through each theme** > **go through each stylesheet** > just save it.
The CHMODs on the cache folders aren't right, ./cache/ and ./cache/themes/ need to be set to 777, and if that doesn't work, set the folders inside ./cache/themes/ to 777 too.
(2010-12-16, 09:50 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]The CHMODs on the cache folders aren't right, ./cache/ and ./cache/themes/ need to be set to 777, and if that doesn't work, set the folders inside ./cache/themes/ to 777 too.

first part is done....
trying second part now.... every folder is set to 777 under cache.... no change

Quote:Error 403: Forbidden
You don't have permissions to access this page. This usually means one of the following:

this file and directory permissions make them unavailable from the Internet.
.htaccess contains instructions that prevent public access to this file or directory.

Please check file and directory permissions and .htaccess configuration if you are able to do this. Otherwise, request your webmaster to grant you access.

It doesn't have permission to read the CSS files, so if you're sure the CHMODs are right, is there a .htaccess file anywhere??
(2010-12-16, 09:55 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]

It doesn't have permission to read the CSS files, so if you're sure the CHMODs are right, is there a .htaccess file anywhere??
in the main folder of the forum there is. There is not one in the root directory of the site that would be conflicting either.
If you want, you can PM me FTP login info and I'll try and see what's causing it.
Pages: 1 2