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Full Version: Help! MyBB SQL Error 1129
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Hey guys,
I tried logging on my forum this morning and found this message:

Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1129 - Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
[READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server

Does anyone know how to fix this? Please help Sad
Contact your host, they have banned your MySQL user.
In all respects, just find a new host, I certainly wouldn't want to be on a host that bans it's users for no reason.
I am contacting them now as to why they banned us. Do you know of any reason why they would do this? Sad. We've been running this website for a few months now without errors Sad Seems so sudden.
Looking by the error, too many connections were occurring to their server, but I wouldn't put it past to do this: they are cheap and rubbish.
Oh, damn. Actually we were having trouble with them not allowing us go passed a 20% cpu load on their machine. This was unfortunately shutting down our forum from time to time Sad. Do you know of any better hosts in the same price range?
I opened a ticket with hosting24 to ask about the error. I'll see what they say and if they are useless i'll probably switch Big Grin. Sorry to get off topic now but if I do switch to the new host, is there a FAQ on how to back up my entire forum, layout and threads and everything, and then reupload it to the new host?
It's pretty simple. Take a home dir backup as well as any necessary database backups from hosting24, then wait for your cpanel to work on the new host. Then upload your backups through the cpanel and your site will be back (you'll need to create a new database for each backup, then import your db backups through phpMyAdmin). Then you will need to reassign inc/config.php to your new database and there you go.
Sweet thanks so much for your help dude!
I'd have been lost without ya Smile Rep given!