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Full Version: How do you have multicolored text??
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This is for username
I dont think you can.
u mean like rainbow names? be more specific. if that is what ur asking then this is how you do it:
Add this code to your selected templates headerinclude:
<script type="text/javascript">
var rainbowcount = 0;
var glitcount=0;
var glitstring='';
var shimmercount=0;
var shimmerstring='';
var ie4 = false;
        if(document.all) {
                ie4 = true;
        function setContent(name, value) {
                var d;  
                if (ie4) {
                        d = document.all[name];
                } else {
                        d = document.getElementById(name);
                d.innerHTML = value;    

    function getContent(name) {
        var d;
                if (ie4) {
                        d = document.all[name];
                } else {
                        d = document.getElementById(name);
                return d.innerHTML;

        function setColor(name, value) {
                var d;  
                if (ie4) {
                        d = document.all[name];
                } else {
                        d = document.getElementById(name);
       = value;  

    function getColor(name) {
                var d;
                if (ie4) {
                        d = document.all[name];
                } else {
                        d = document.getElementById(name);
        function toSpans(span) {
          var a=str.length;
          for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {
            var theSpan=document.createElement("SPAN");
        function glitter(name, col, speed) {
        var value = getContent(name);
        while ( value.indexOf("&nbsp;", "-10") != (-1) ) {
            var value = value.replace("&nbsp;", "");
        if (value.indexOf('<span') >= 0) { return; }
        var length = 0;
                var str = '';
        var ch;
        var token = '';
        var htmltag = false;    
                for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            ch = value.substring(i, i+1);
            if (i < value.length - 1) { nextch = value.substring(i+1, i+2); } else { nextch = ' '; }
            token += ch;
            if (ch == '<' && '/aAbBpPhHiIoOuUlLtT'.indexOf(nextch) >= 0) { htmltag = true; }
            if (ch == '>' && htmltag) { htmltag = false; }
            if (!htmltag && ch.charCodeAt(0) > 30 && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') {        
                            str += '<span id="' + name + '_' + length + '">' + token + '</span>';
                token = '';
                setContent(name, str);
                glitcommand = 'glitterloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', 0, 1, \'' + col + '\', ' + speed + ')';
                setTimeout(glitcommand , speed);
        function shine(name, col, speed) {
            var value = getContent(name);
            while ( value.indexOf("&nbsp;", "-10") != (-1) ) {
                var value = value.replace("&nbsp;", "");
            if (value.indexOf('<span') >= 0) { return; }
            var length = 0;
                    var str = '';
            var ch;
            var token = '';
            var htmltag = false;    
            for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
                ch = value.substring(i, i+1);
                if (i < value.length - 1) { nextch = value.substring(i+1, i+2); } else { nextch = ' '; }
                token += ch;
                if (ch == '<' && '/aAbBpPhHiIoOuUlLtT'.indexOf(nextch) >= 0) { htmltag = true; }
                if (ch == '>' && htmltag) { htmltag = false; }
                if (!htmltag && ch.charCodeAt(0) > 30 && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') {        
                                str += '<span id="' + name + '_' + length + '">' + token + '</span>';
                    token = '';
                setContent(name, str);
                shinecommand = 'shineloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', 0, 1, \'' + col + '\', ' + speed + ')';
                setTimeout(shinecommand , speed);
        function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) {
RainbowSpan.prototype.moveRainbow = function() {
  if(this.hue>359) this.hue-=360;
  var color;
  var b=this.brt;
  var a=this.length;
  var h=this.hue;

  for(var i=0; i<a; i++) {

    if(h>359) h-=360;

    if(h<60) { color=Math.floor(((h)/60)*b); red=b;grn=color;blu=0; }
    else if(h<120) { color=Math.floor(((h-60)/60)*b); red=b-color;grn=b;blu=0; }
    else if(h<180) { color=Math.floor(((h-120)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b;blu=color; }
    else if(h<240) { color=Math.floor(((h-180)/60)*b); red=0;grn=b-color;blu=b; }
    else if(h<300) { color=Math.floor(((h-240)/60)*b); red=color;grn=0;blu=b; }
    else { color=Math.floor(((h-300)/60)*b); red=b;grn=0;blu=b-color; }


    this.span.childNodes[i].style.color="rgb("+red+", "+grn+", "+blu+")";
        function shineloop(name, length, ind, delta, col, speed) {
            var next = ind + delta;
            if (next >= length) { delta = delta * -1; next = ind + delta; }
            if (next < 0) { delta = delta * -1; next = ind + delta; }
                setColor(name + '_' + ind, getColor(name + '_' + next));
                setColor(name + '_' + next, col);
                shinecommand = 'shineloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', ' + next + ', ' + delta + ', \'' + col + '\', ' + speed + ')';
                setTimeout(shinecommand , speed);
        function glitterloop(name, length, ind, delta, col, speed) {
            var new_spd = Math.floor(Math.random()*31);
            var new_spd = (new_spd - 15);
            var new_spd = (new_spd + speed);
            var next = Math.floor(Math.random()*(length+1));
            if (next >= length) { delta = delta * -1; next = (-1); }
            if (next < 0) { delta = delta * -1; next = 1; }
                setColor(name + '_' + ind, getColor(name + '_' + next));
                setColor(name + '_' + next, col);
                glitcommand = 'glitterloop(\'' + name + '\', ' + length + ', ' + next + ', ' + delta + ', \'' + col + '\', ' + speed + ')';
                setTimeout(glitcommand , new_spd);

then this code to your selected templates footer:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
while(shimmercount>0) {
   var shimmerstring=shimmercount+ 'shine';
   eval('var colcon= shimmercolor' +shimmercount);
   eval('var shimspeed="shimmerspeed' +shimmercount+ '"');
   eval('var shimcolor="' +colcon+ '"');
   shine(shimmerstring, shimcolor, shimspeed);
   var shimmercount=shimmercount-1;
while(glitcount>0) {
   var glitstring=glitcount+ 'glitter';
   eval('var colcon= glitcolor' +glitcount);
   eval('var glitspeed="glitspeed' +glitcount+ '"');
   eval('var glitcolor="' +colcon+ '"');
   glitter(glitstring, glitcolor, glitspeed);
   var glitcount=glitcount-1;
while(rainbowcount>0) {
    eval('var rain'+rainbowcount+'=document.getElementById("rain'+rainbowcount+'");');
    eval('var rainbowspanning'+rainbowcount+'=new RainbowSpan(rain'+rainbowcount+', 0, 360, 255, 50, 348);');
    eval('rainbowspanning'+rainbowcount+'.timer=window.setInterval("rainbowspanning'+rainbowcount+'.moveRainbow()", 50);');
    var rainbowcount=(rainbowcount-1);

then go to your Admincp > Users & Groups > Groups
paste this code in your selected group:
Quote:<span style="font-weight: bold; color:#0000FF;"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var rainbowcount=(rainbowcount+1); document.write("<span id='rain"+rainbowcount+"'>"); </SCRIPT>{username}</span>