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Full Version: Group as moderator
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Hi guys,

When i try to add any group as a forum moderator i receive the following message:
The specified username/group was not found.
I already checked if the name is equal, and i tried deactivate all plugins, but nothing happen.

When i try to add a single user i get success.
My version is 1.6.1.

Thx all
Let the autofill select it, it's expecting something like this:

Registered (Usergroup 2)

I'm going to see if this can be changed, as it didn't used to do this and is definitely not user friendly.
I fill, here it is:
Administrador ( 4)
But the error persists
Use: Administrador (Usergroup 4)

If it isn't adding Usergroup, it sounds like you've not uploaded the new versions of the language files.
Thanks man Big Grin