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Full Version: Titles in URL
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so we upgraded our forum last night, and are having a few issues with things

we had it set to show titles in URLs eg

but now its showing that URL as

i cant for the life of me find where i change this back, i know its a simple setting somewhere, but where lol
any help please
Did the SEo plugin you're using require any file edits?? If it did, the update probably overwrite them.
no i dont think it did, im also pretty sure it displayed the titles before i installed the SEO
Well, it wouldn't have done this before you installed SEO, as these aren't the URLs that come with MyBB... in MyBB it's either ./forumdisplay.php?fid=X or ./forum-X.html, the one you've got is done by a plugin.
the update over write google seo's inc/functions file edits. I have to re-do my edits.
shows how much attention i pay then lol

the SEO we have installed is this one

im still not sure how to correct it though
Those look like SpiceFuse URLs to me, Google SEO has Forum- at the start and doesn't include the number, or have .html at the end...
Lil- Congrats but I have the same one and was talking about that...

Matt- I have google and it have .html and includes numbers...
no i dont have spice fuse installed.

iv managed to find the setting though and its working as it should now thanks