2010-12-23, 09:00 AM
I found this code
Where would i edit the code to put this into effect? I know this might be a really simple question so maybe a link to info would suffice. Thank you for your time.
<title>Background Absolute Positioning</title>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
BODY {background-image: url(APCullen.gif); background-repeat:
no-repeat; background-position: 200px 200px; background-attachment: fixed; }
See where it say's Style Type= this is what its calling for= next comes TEXT/CSS that is Cascading Style Sheet
Next you CALL on your Body background Image
here it is APCullen.gif
Next line where it say's=background position is the X=Y pixle position on your Page
See where it says backdround FIXED- that is telling the BG to Stay put
See the /Style,,thats ending the style sheet
all this goes between the <HEAD> here </HEAD> Tags
WhaaaaLaaaa your done
Where would i edit the code to put this into effect? I know this might be a really simple question so maybe a link to info would suffice. Thank you for your time.