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Full Version: Renaming Forum Menu Item
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I want to rename some of the forum menu items like "Search, Member List, Calendar, Help" but I can't find the template that holds the names. Does anyone know the correct template where I can do this?
It's in the header template.

AdminCP > Templates & Style > Templates > %Theme% > Header Templates > header

I've played around with the code in the header template but the result removes the hyperlink. For example, when I added the word Forum Help to the link below it shows the Word "Forum Help" on the menu but it's not clickable.

<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help">{$lang->toplinks_help}</a>Forum Help</li>

Was wondering if there is another way of doing it?
Nevermind, I figured it out - the solution was to replace "{$lang->toplinks_help}" with word "Forum Help" Big Grin Blush
Okay, glad you figured it out!
Its simple why will it remove the link ?

just go to the header and remove "{$lang->toplinks_help}</a>Forum Help</li>" and paste this
"Forum help</a></li>" without quotes.
