2010-12-26, 05:22 AM
Hey guys,
Just a question - what should I have in my robots.txt file?
I use Google SEO plugin so the links are like thread-here, so yeah.
My current robots has:
Just a question - what should I have in my robots.txt file?
I use Google SEO plugin so the links are like thread-here, so yeah.
My current robots has:
Sitemap: http://gamingbay.org/sitemap-index.xml
Sitemap: http://gamingbay.org/blog/sitemap.xml
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /moderation.php
Disallow: /ratethread.php
Disallow: /report.php
Disallow: /reputation.php
Disallow: /sendthread.php
Disallow: /usercp.php
Disallow: /usercp2.php
Disallow: /newreply.php
Disallow: /newthread.php
Disallow: /editpost.php
Disallow: /private.php
Disallow: /search.php
Disallow: /refer.php
Disallow: /myawards.php
Disallow: /stats.php
Disallow: /member.php
Disallow: /memberlist.php
Disallow: /showteam.php
Disallow: /*action=emailuser*
Disallow: /*action=nextnewest*
Disallow: /*action=nextoldest*
Disallow: /*year=*
Disallow: /*action=weekview*
Disallow: /*action=nextnewest*
Disallow: /*action=nextoldest*
Disallow: /*sort=*
Disallow: /*order=*
Disallow: /*mode=*
Disallow: /*datecut=*
Allow: /