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Full Version: New years resolution for 2011?
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To learn what 2 + 2 is.
1920x1080 too Smile
(2010-12-27, 05:28 PM)Shukaku Wrote: [ -> ]That screen resolution is useless.
* Shukaku has a resolution of 1920x1080
* Bob Jansen likes what he's seeing, he has a 1920x1080 too.

My resolution is to work harder on several projects I have and to also spend my free time more on school which will probably not happen anyway.

Read more.
Eat better and work out to stay at a 30" waist.
Spend less than $5000 on clothes for the year.
1) Read more. Specifically Harry Potter, LotR, Chronicles of Narnia, and such as I've never been keen to reading before this year.
2) Study harder. As easy as the term was, I only got out with a 2.8, very shameful.
3) Eat healthier & exercise. I'm gaining fat and getting winded now just by typing... =/ exaggeration, but even still...
800 x 600 /troll
(Actually when playing RCT...)

Well for me its wear 20 pounds of weights daily. (Halfway there...)
Start running back into the city once a month (3 1/2s...)
Drop a course
And to start doing upper body workouts.
Oh, and move to kingston at some point. is fairly simple Smile so thats no problem Toungue
(2010-12-29, 09:06 AM)Tom K. Wrote: [ -> ] is fairly simple Smile so thats no problem Toungue

A book for it is like 60 bucks >_> Regardless i want to just get it to a point then leave it.
To have my new site, design site, and coding skills succeed.
Hahahha, 1600x900 on my laptop...
I will have to work hard on my website... And study ç_ç
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