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Full Version: Auto merging double posts?
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How can I set my forum so when a member posts a message, and if they post one say within the next hour, its automatically merged up like this forum has?

ACP > Configurations > Posting > enter seconds for the time taken to merge in "Post Merge Time".
No problem.
hi. I did it but not work. Plz tell me why? You can see images i take in CP Admin -- Posting. What is number i should set? Is that say " x minute" but not " x second". Sad
My Forum:
^ you can change it as required , number is in minutes ; if you put 30 then it is for 30 minutes ..
Quote:Post Merge Time
With this enabled, posts posted within x minutes by the same author right after each other, will be merged.
Set the time limit (in minutes) to merge posts. Set to 0 or leave blank to disable this feature. Default: 60

I changed that like in images you can see but it not work. So you take a images on your posting config and after that share me. Thank
^ give a test user account so that someone can check it on your forum ..
Ok. you can test by acc: test/123456
you tested and it work. But i test by admin acc, it no work. u can see