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Full Version: cant install mods
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When ever I try to install a mod I get this error message:
Quote:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare find_replace_templatesets() (previously declared in /home/sviridov/public_html/forum/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php:22) in /home/sviridov/public_html/forum/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php on line 101
It happened after I installed and activated plugin uploader mod. I disabled it but it still gives me an error message. the rest of the forum works fine, just the mod installation

Thanks, Tim
Open the plugin file that you are trying to install and change all occurences of the following line (usually in the activate/deactivate or install/uninstall functions):

require MYBB_ROOT . "inc/adminfunctions_templates.php"; 


require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/adminfunctions_templates.php"; 

You'll have to do this for any plugin that you're getting this error with