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Full Version: BIG PROBLEM
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I am having a big problem. Users on my forum are automatically being switched into the administrators usergroup. Once they are switched, they cannot access the site. (No Permissions Error)

To fix it, I have to go into the admin cp and make their primary group registered again.

Anyone know whats going on?
Please run a file verification in Tool & Maintenance.
inc/db_mysql.php	Changed
install/images/bullet.gif	Missing
install/images/content_bg.gif	Missing
install/images/error_bg.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-admin.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-config.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-createtables.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-dbconfig.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-finish.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-license.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-requirements.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-tablepopulate.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-theme.gif	Missing
install/images/h2-welcome.gif	Missing
install/images/index.html	Missing
install/images/submit_bg.gif	Missing
install/images/tcat_bg.gif	Missing
install/images/thead_bg.gif	Missing
install/index.php	Missing
install/resources/adminoptions.xml	Missing
install/resources/adminviews.xml	Missing
install/resources/index.html	Missing
install/resources/language.lang.php	Missing
install/resources/mybb_theme.xml	Missing
install/resources/mysql_db_inserts.php	Missing
install/resources/mysql_db_tables.php	Missing
install/resources/output.php	Missing
install/resources/pgsql_db_tables.php	Missing
install/resources/settings.xml	Missing
install/resources/sqlite_db_tables.php	Missing
install/resources/tasks.xml	Missing
install/resources/upgrade1.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade10.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade11.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade12.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade13.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade14.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade15.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade16.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade17.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade18.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade2.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade3.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade4.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade5.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade6.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade7.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade8.php	Missing
install/resources/upgrade9.php	Missing
install/resources/usergroups.xml	Missing
install/stylesheet.css	Missing
install/upgrade.php	Missing
Hmph, a lot of files are missing. You may want to re-upload them through FTP. Also, does anyone else have AdminCP access?
It doesn't matter if the install/ files are missing.

Can you provide a URL to your forum??
The only files that are missing are from "install" which is good to be removed, only one that is interesting is "inc/db_mysql.php." And like I said, when they are switched to admins, they get a no permissions error throughout the whole forum. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< my forum
Reupload this file: inc/db_mysql.php and report back. There's a high chance that your forum got infected.
How could my forum get infected? o.O
EDIT: We just reuploaded the file. Will report back in a few days.