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Full Version: [how to] Integrate website with mybb
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Hey guys there used to be a tutorial for how to migrate mybb with my site but I can not seem to find it can some one either find it or help me integrate my site with mybb. like logins and adding some forums
I can't see how this is related to support at all, it's just a problem on your searching methods, no one can help you here..
There's another forum called Third Party Integration
(2011-01-02, 05:33 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]You didn't searched.. did you ??:

Thanks I was looking for that link ... I had it bookmarked before but I switched my computer and I forgot to import my book marks from my last computer ... however i did try to seacrch using the search forums but i put integrate mybb website but it didnt show up...