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Full Version: change my editeur thread
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hello how can i change my editor new thread or post with another (tinymce or ckediteur or ws ...etc) coz i hate this editor and all my user hat it because it work with code

[Image: Gvn80219.jpg]

with this
[Image: 65416620093155819246.jpg]


[Image: 13815573259153019347.jpg]

and post reply

[Image: 75346788928838167133.jpg]

pleas help me
and thank you
i wait your reply
You can edit plugin file I assume.

What editor you are using ?
You'd have to get a WYSIWYG.
Register, Download, Extract, Upload, Install Smile

It is still RC 1 but final version is coming soon.
RC 1 working great on live forums also.
i have multi editeur
tinymce and ckediteur and ws ....etc

but how i can changed it
(2011-01-01, 04:20 PM)TheGodFather Wrote: [ -> ]Register, Download, Extract, Upload, Install Smile

It is still RC 1 but final version is coming soon.
RC 1 working great on live forums also.

Big Grin thank youuuu Big Grin