after transferring forum to new host I have this error: "Fatal error: Trying to clone an uncloneable object of class mysqli in /home/myusername/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/inc/db_mysqli.php on line 206"
I have changed DB info in config.php and setup all permission.
What is the problem and how can I fix that?
Thank you.
Where exactly do you see this?? The only time MyBB ever tries to clone something is in the Diff files.
(2011-01-07, 06:36 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Where exactly do you see this?? The only time MyBB ever tries to clone something is in the Diff files.
On whoisscammer.com.
What details did you put into config.php exactly?? Blank out the sensitive things like database name/username/password. Have you modified any files?? Line 206 is connecting to the database, nothing to do with cloning anything...
I put right info about DB and I didn't modified any file.
Reupload your files again, you have to have something different about your files if it's trying to clone an object. This especially shouldn't suddenly start happening when you change host...
I upload 2 time all files and always the same thing.
Are you on 1.4 or 1.6?? What plugins do you have??
I download forum before 2 months. Maybe is 1.6 I don't know and I can't see. Not even one plugin, only theme what I download here.
PM me FTP login details, there has to be additional code running here somewhere.