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Full Version: Malfunctioned Plugin?
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While browsing through my user cp, I noticed this at the top-left, right above the menu:

[Image: mwsnap255.png]

I also noticed this bit when making a post:

[Image: mwsnap256.png]

Is this perhaps a plugin that was incorrectly uninstalled?
These are two plugin;
Social sites

If you have un-installed both of them then you can remove these from corresponding userCP and postbit_author_user templates. But if these are "installed" then you have to add a $ sign before there names like;
{$socialsites} in postbit_author_user template, and
{$mysupport} in ucercp template.
I've installed neither of those plugins, it just showed up.

I found and deleted them successfully, thank you very much.
You would have installed the plugins at some point for that code to show up, your forum wouldn't decide on it's own to add specific code to a specific template for two specific plugins all by itself... deactivating them would remove the code for them too.
(2011-01-15, 11:53 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]You would have installed the plugins at some point for that code to show up, your forum wouldn't decide on it's own to add specific code to a specific template for two specific plugins all by itself... deactivating them would remove the code for them too.

Would installing and uninstalling the get rid of leftover code?
(2011-01-15, 11:53 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]You would have installed the plugins at some point for that code to show up, your forum wouldn't decide on it's own to add specific code to a specific template for two specific plugins all by itself... deactivating them would remove the code for them too.

Unless the theme's creator used those two plugins, and didn't remove the extra code.