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Can anyone help me in fixing this mini calendar?

minicalendar code

require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_calendar.php";
$monthnames = array(
$year = my_date("Y");
$month = my_date("n");
$calendarquery = $db->simple_select("calendars", "*", "", array('order_by' => 'disporder', 'limit' => 1));
$mycalendar = $db->fetch_array($calendarquery);

$next_month = get_next_month($month, $year);
$prev_month = get_prev_month($month, $year);

$prev_link = get_calendar_link($mycalendar['cid'], $prev_month['year'], $prev_month['month']);
$next_link = get_calendar_link($mycalendar['cid'], $next_month['year'], $next_month['month']);

// Start constructing the calendar

$weekdays = fetch_weekday_structure($mycalendar['startofweek']);

$month_start_weekday = gmdate("w", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $mycalendar['startofweek']+1, $year));

// This is if we have days in the previous month to show
if($month_start_weekday != $weekdays[0] || $mycalendar['startofweek'] != 0)
    $day = gmdate("t", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $prev_month['month'], 1, $prev_month['year']));
    $day -= array_search(($month_start_weekday), $weekdays);
    $day += $mycalendar['startofweek']+1;
    $calendar_month = $prev_month['month'];
    $calendar_year = $prev_month['year'];
    $day = $mycalendar['startofweek']+1;
    $calendar_month = $month;
    $calendar_year = $year;

$prev_month_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $prev_month['month'], 1, $prev_month['year']));

// So now we fetch events for this month (nb, cache events for past month, current month and next month for mini calendars too)
$start_timestamp = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $prev_month['month'], $day, $prev_month['year']);
$num_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $next_month['month'], 1, $next_month['year']));
$end_timestamp = gmmktime(23, 59, 59, $next_month['month'], $num_days, $next_month['year']);

$num_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));

$events_cache = get_events($mycalendar['cid'], $start_timestamp, $end_timestamp);
$minicalendar = build_mini_calendar($mycalendar, $month, $year, $events_cache);
$search = array(" style=\"width: 180px;\">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">","<tbody>", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">", "<td class=\"tcat\">&nbsp;</td>");
$replace = array(">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\"><div class=\"expcolimage\"><img src=\"{$theme['imgdir']}/{$expcolimage}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_img\" class=\"expander\" alt=\"{$expaltext}\" title=\"{$expaltext}\" /></div>","<tbody style=\"{$expdisplay}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_e\">", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"7\">", "");
$minicalendar = str_replace($search, $replace, $minicalendar);
$minicalendar = preg_replace("/<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" width=\"1\">(.*)&raquo;<\/a><\/td>/", "", $minicalendar);
echo $minicalendar;

[Image: 9817052856.jpg]
how can i align the dates field to full box size.
little annoyed with that code as instances are declared and called to build the calendar box. any help would be appreciated.
little bit confused here

$events_cache = get_events($mycalendar['cid'], $start_timestamp, $end_timestamp);
$minicalendar = build_mini_calendar($mycalendar, $month, $year, $events_cache);
$search = array(" style=\"width: 180px;\">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">","<tbody>", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">", "<td class=\"tcat\">&nbsp;</td>");
$replace = array(">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\"><div class=\"expcolimage\"><img src=\"{$theme['imgdir']}/{$expcolimage}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_img\" class=\"expander\" alt=\"{$expaltext}\" title=\"{$expaltext}\" /></div>","<tbody style=\"{$expdisplay}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_e\">", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"7\">", "");
$minicalendar = str_replace($search, $replace, $minicalendar);
$minicalendar = preg_replace("/<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" width=\"1\">(.*)&raquo;<\/a><\/td>/", "", $minicalendar);
Thats weird - is that the calendar I posted on mybb hacks? It didnt do that to me.
no leefish. it is the block module - minicalendar in proportal. anyway i figured it out. Smile

we know that by default the mybb minicalendar dont have the right top block resize (excollapse) button. so proportal author made some changes in that proportal miniclanedar block with some $search & $replace templates bits on the default mybb calendar.php.

i just added the resize button to the default mybb minicalendar and removed this in proportal minicalendar module which just calls thedefault mybb mini calendar directly.
$search = array(" style=\"width: 180px;\">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">","<tbody>", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\">", "<td class=\"tcat\">&nbsp;</td>");
$replace = array(">","<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"8\"><div class=\"expcolimage\"><img src=\"{$theme['imgdir']}/{$expcolimage}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_img\" class=\"expander\" alt=\"{$expaltext}\" title=\"{$expaltext}\" /></div>","<tbody style=\"{$expdisplay}\" id=\"block_{$result_blocks['id']}_e\">", "<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"7\">", "");
$minicalendar = str_replace($search, $replace, $minicalendar);
$minicalendar = preg_replace("/<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" width=\"1\">(.*)&raquo;<\/a><\/td>/", "", $minicalendar); 
called the default minicalendar by echo('minicalendar');