I have 1 query, Hope you can help me
Earlier I was in Share hosting, so my folder was :-
But now I am in VPS, And now my folder is :-
And I guess Due to which, In Admin panel-> in settings -> my none of the settings are working, when i close the board than it shows "Settings completed succesfully" but it doesn't closes the board, I tested by doing one more change in settings, but than these settings in admin panel says, "completed successfully" but than in forum there is no change.
Rest Everything is working when I disable the plugin, plugin gets disabled and when i activate it it starts working but than settings part are not working.
Make sure ./inc/settings.php is CHMOD to 666.
It is in 644.
DO i need to make it to 666.
Yes. If you don't, MyBB won't work.
Oh this worked. Thanks Matt.
My Problem is solved.
But If anyone can give me what is the reason to make
"/inc/settings.php" to make it 666 here, as I see when I was in shared, "/inc/settings.php" is in 644.
and everything was running fine.
Moreover, I hope there is no risk in making "/inc/settings.php" to 666 (making it writable for Everyone.)
There is no risk. You have to do it if you want MyBB to work fully.
I think it depends on the file ownership. If your user was the owner of the file on shared hosting, 644 would work, but if your user isn't the owner on the new host, you'll need to give write permission to group and world... you can try 664 and see if that works, but usually people need 666.
hmmm, ok. But When I was in shared hosting, the same file was in "644". Even for security purpose Every file should be in "644" & Folder in "755".
Making here "/inc/settings.php" to 666 can {not sure, but can} give security threat.
(2011-01-16, 12:39 AM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]I think it depends on the file ownership. If your user was the owner of the file on shared hosting, 644 would work, but if your user isn't the owner on the new host, you'll need to give write permission to group and world... you can try 664 and see if that works, but usually people need 666.
This is very good point and i was not knowing about this, Actually I have not given any particular user on my new host. Just from admin level I came to user level without creating any particualr user and uploaded all my files. thats why being
coming directly from user to "www" folder it comes through "domains/mysite.com/www". it has added 2 more folder in between "www" & User folder.
I knew it this could be problem, But now I know the reason too. Thanks Matt, once again,
{huh, I wish If i could take some classes from you for these topics}
A hacker wouldn't be able to gain anything if he managed to access inc/settings.php, it's just a file containing variables for each settings state.
Having something set to 666 does not inherently make your server insecure, it means that if someone gets access to your file system they may be able to write something to it, but they'd still somehow need to get access to your server, which a CHMOD on it's own won't do.