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Full Version: Contact Form
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Hello to you all!

What form is MyBB is using at: ?

I need to find a good contact form. I checked out the one in the mod plug in, but it doesnt work with v 1.6.1, and the mybbcentral plug in costs money, and I don't know if it is compatible either too this version of MyBB.
They're using their own, custom, contact form.

You could:

A -


To create a page and create a forum with that.


B -
Give me the link to the MybbCentral one (I'm a subscriber) and I'll happily test it on my own private forum for you.
Thanks, I am brand new to MyBB

That seems complicated. I just started using MyBB today, I am more familiar with phpBB3. I am like this forum though. I like how easy it is to use the plugin installer in admin. Simple is always better.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'chaosti_testforum.mybb_mybb_settinggroups' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO mybb_mybb_settinggroups (`gid`,`name`,`title`,`description`,`disporder`,`isdefault`) VALUES ('NULL','Contact','Contact','Add a contact form to your site.','61','no')


That didn't work. I think I could help you create one yourself with PHP.