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Full Version: any ideas on sql error?
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MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1194 - Table 'mybb_templates' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='header_uap' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1
Run the following query in your phpmyadmin;
REPAIR TABLE `mybb_templates`;
Login to phpMyAdmin, click on your forum's database, and click the SQL tab at the top of the page, and run this query:

REPAIR TABLE `mybb_templates`;

Beaten! Toungue
ok something is going down here

#2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)

I think I will be talking to my host...... looks like something has crashed

thanks for all your help Smile
I will let you know
"MySQL server's socket" is your host issue. You've to contact them.
Error code 2002 means that your MySQL server has crashed (either due to a bad process or something else) and can't connect to it.
back up and running - thanks folks Smile top class as normal
ps - any ideas what may have created the templates to crash?
Could be anything. Most likely it'll crash if you have a large forum that keeps querying the database.
This may be due to several reasons. One of them is when you query the database. If the query fails or stopped accidently while running, it may crash the database tables where it is going to run.
(2011-01-18, 08:47 AM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]This may be due to several reasons. One of them is when you query the database. If the query fails or stopped accidently while running, it may crash the database tables where it is going to run.
So if this happens again - is it something I can quickly fix or is it a host thing

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