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Full Version: What if my sql database touch his limited?
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I mean to say If my hosting provide giving me 1GB/database.
So If I use all 1 gb then Can I use another database..
I mean 2 database with one forum. If yes then how..
for example.
I have a forum if i have cross the limit of 1 database storage then can i use another database or 1 database per one forum?
No you can not. You'll need a new webhost.
do you thinking to split forum ...
there is only one option to split the entire forum .... and by using that data make another forum ...
there is no other option .... because its not possible to split tables among databases ..

sorry 4 my bad english
So..what you think If I have 1 gb database storage how much I can stored... How much warez-bb use storage space. that was the biggest warez forum.?
We do not support warez.
Even I not support warez. but I just asking the question. Okay What about they are based on mybb!! The forums is huge.. how they are maintain the database.
They probably have bigger storage space, though
mybb is not a resource hog.
HF has a dedicated server, it can store however much it wants to. If you're on shared hosting and you hit the storage limit, then you'll need to find a host that offers more.
I have a database (not MyBB but doesn't really matter) with about 30+ million records in them and it's about 4GB. If you are not going to store files as BLOB in your database you will need a lot of data to get to 1GB.

If guess you are using a shared hosting? If your goal is to run a big board with a lot of activity your biggest concern isn't the database limit but the bandwidth and server load. If your forum is growing and becoming more active I would recommend you to buy a VPS hosting account or a dedicated server.