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mysql error 'remember'

INSERT INTO `mybb_users` (`uid`, `username`, `password`, `salt`, `loginkey`, `email`, `gs`, `postnum`, `avatar`, `avatardimensions`, `avatartype`, `usergroup`, `additionalgroups`, `displaygroup`, `usertitle`, `regdate`, `lastactive`, `lastvisit`, `lastpost`, `website`, `icq`, `aim`, `yahoo`, `msn`, `birthday`, `birthdayprivacy`, `signature`, `allownotices`, `hideemail`, `subscriptionmethod`, `invisible`, `receivepms`, `pmnotice`, `pmnotify`, `remember`, `threadmode`, `showsigs`, `showavatars`, `showquickreply`, `showredirect`, `ppp`, `tpp`, `daysprune`, `dateformat`, `timeformat`, `timezone`, `dst`, `dstcorrection`, `buddylist`, `ignorelist`, `style`, `pio`, `pio_status`, `away`, `awaydate`, `returndate`, `awayreason`, `pmfolders`, `notepad`, `referrer`, `reputation`, `regip`, `lastip`, `longregip`, `longlastip`, `language`, `timeonline`, `showcodebuttons`, `totalpms`, `unreadpms`, `warningpoints`, `moderateposts`, `moderationtime`, `suspendposting`, `suspensiontime`, `coppauser`, `classicpostbit`, `loginattempts`, `failedlogin`, `akismetstopped`, `pktpremium`, `upp`, `status`, `premium`, `newcomments`, `reg`, `accounts`, `tdp`, `developer`, `css`, `csson`, `html`, `htmlon`, `profile`, `skorka`, `premium_rozpoczecie`, `premium_zakonczenie`) VALUES
do not quite understand what I do, could you explain to me?
Make sure you've uploaded all the 1.6 files correctly and that your plugins are 1.6 compatible.
If it's trying to do something with the remember column, it's running 1.4 code, either core code or a 1.4 plugin.
member.php and usercp.php These files are in MyBB 1.4 and installed 1.6.1 and I have inc / datahandlers is in MyBB 1.4 and all plugins are under 1.6
Yes, all of these files were in 1.4, but you still have the 1.4 versions of some files running, instead of the 1.6 versions.