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I really like this plugin Show group details. For the most part I have got it working for MyBB 1.6.1

Following a guide posted as a review I have got 99% of it working.

Quote:This is a great mod =), However there is a small bug in the showgroup.php file Lines 221 and 223. In the queries the code

OR additionalgroups LIKE '%".$group['gid']."%'

Needs to be replaced with
OR additionalgroups LIKE '%,".$group['gid'].",%'
OR additionalgroups LIKE '%,".$group['gid']."'
OR additionalgroups LIKE '".$group['gid'].",%'
OR additionalgroups='".$group['gid']."'

The reason is because if you have a gid(group id) 9 and a gid 19, whenever you show the profile of a user belonging to gid 9, anyone belonging to gid 19 will also show up.

Also in the groups.php file in the root directory. The query at line 52 should be:

$query = $db->query("
SELECT u.*, f.* FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid)
WHERE u.usergroup='".$mybb->input['gid']."'
OR u.additionalgroups LIKE '%,".$mybb->input['gid'].",%'
OR u.additionalgroups LIKE '%,".$mybb->input['gid']."'
OR u.additionalgroups LIKE '%".$mybb->input['gid'].",%'
OR u.additionalgroups='".$mybb->input['gid']."'
LIMIT $start, ".$mybb->settings['membersperpage']

Instead of what it currently is.

Thanks for this mod.

Written By: fnicholson, 19th August 2009

The only thing that isn't working as it should do is how many Members there are in a group. As you can see in the screen shot it shows 2 members in a group when there is only one. Because the gid group number is 3 it is also picking up the member from the other group with the gid number 13.

[Image: workspace1013.png]

Hope some one can help as I think this is a great plug-in and its a shame it hasn't been updated in awhile.
