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Hi All,

In free time I tend to create websites on different topics. I recently went onto fansites for games.

In this new site, I am putting in a radio. I need a radio that will not reload while browsing the forum, so putting the radio player code in the header or footer would be a bad idea.

I came up with a new idea. Remember when you open up a chat window of a company? When you click the link, The chat will open in a new window, at the defined size to the chat script.

Does anyone know what code I need to make a page load in a certain size new window when the link is clicked?

Thanks for any assistance,

Something like this:"radio.php", "radio", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=300,height=300");
Thsnks - I take it "Radio.php" is the link to the page, and "Radio" the page name? Also where do I insert this to make it a menu link that opens in a new window like that?
You would do <a href="#" onclick="matt's code">Open Radio</a>
I would do another page called withradio that uses a frameset and has a radio at the bottom, with a frame of your browser at the top.

Quote:<a href="your link here" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('link to what you want in your popup window here','Radio',220,210);">Radio</a>

220 = width
210 = Height