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How do I move myBB?
I want to move my forum to, but as far as I can tell this will completely ruin my forum. I talked to some other myBB users who tried to move their forums and it destroyed them.
Just move your files to the /forum directory, and then edit the Board URL and the cookie settings in settings.php, then login to the ACP and edit the same settings in the ACP.
How do I edit the Board URL and cookie settings in settings.php
Go to your file manager and get the settings.php file open it using a text editor, notepad++ for windows.

Text wrangler for a mac. then edit the file to your needs.
You don't need to do anything to settings.php if you change these settings in the ACP before you move the files...
in ACP...
you can set your URL to.

and cookies path to


and you are done, but yes there will be few problem, for 100% sure..
OK, I hope nothing goes wrong in the progress, but then again I will Always get good support here Smile