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Full Version: (Solved) - Bots / Spiders Not Visit
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Hi people, well i have a little problem with the "Spiders" I have the default, spiders the site have got a couple of weeks, have got content, but any spider visit the site, i don't know if i must wait more time, or something is wrong.

Here you have my .htaccess if you need

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 [L,QSA,R=301]

# Google SEO Sitemap:
RewriteRule ^sitemap-([^./]+)\.xml$ misc.php?google_seo_sitemap=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Forums:
RewriteRule ^Forum-([^./]+)$ forumdisplay.php?google_seo_forum=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Threads:
RewriteRule ^Thread-([^./]+)$ showthread.php?google_seo_thread=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Announcements:
RewriteRule ^Announcement-([^./]+)$ announcements.php?google_seo_announcement=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Users:
RewriteRule ^User-([^./]+)$ member.php?action=profile&google_seo_user=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Calendars:
RewriteRule ^Calendar-([^./]+)$ calendar.php?google_seo_calendar=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Events:
RewriteRule ^Event-([^./]+)$ calendar.php?action=event&google_seo_event=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO 404:
ErrorDocument 404 /misc.php?google_seo_error=404

All the site works OK, no problem, the spiders are the Default install are OK like Guest, here you have a screenshot

Then all the configuration it's by default i never touch anything else, if you need more information tell me i will edit this post.

Here is the site URL:

The final question is, why the spiders not visit the site, never, it's only a matter of time, or content ?

Thank you very much, sorry about my english Smile


Well like Say Matt, nothing we can do, but i add the "Final" version of the Spiders in the page 3 of this post

And the Spiders, start to visit O_O well, probably something is wrong with the "Default" spiders but now everything work ok Wink with google and others Big Grin

Have you actually submitted your site to Google or anything?? There's really nothing we can do if bots aren't visiting your site...
I only register the Google Analytics I put in the google analytics plugin and works OK, register all the visit and everything, so if there's nothing we can do, and the default bots install with mybb are, ok it's a matter of time ^^
Thank you Matt, I get solved the problem Smile

EDIT: Solution in first post.