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Full Version: Error when editing users in admin CP & issues with editing messages
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If that option isn't there then the problem here is you've not uploaded the new ACP files properly, it's still got the 1.4 versions of the files. Download 1.6 again and reupload the ./admin/ folder. Have you renamed your admin folder?? If you have, make sure the contents of the ./admin/ folder go into your renamed admin folder.

That's the only think I know of that causes this editing issue, can you list what plugins you have...??
Oh jeez I didnt think of that, you're right, I did rename the admin directory! -facepalm- thank you man, haha Smile
I put the new files up, and now I can edit users again, thank you. I also made it so they cant multiple rep. however, theres still that issue with users becoming guests after I edit them =/ no idea.
As I said in my post two days ago... that's the only think I know of that causes this editing issue, can you list what plugins you have...??
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