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Full Version: Default email notification
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How can I set it so that for new users, they are automatically subscribed to threads and receive email notifications?
That's not what I'm looking for... I want new users to be subscribed to only threads they post in.
Might have been helpful to have said that, you just said 'automatically subscribed to threads'.

In the member_register template, find:

<td colspan="2">
	<select name="subscriptionmethod" id="subscriptionmethod">
		<option value="0" {$no_subscribe_selected}>{$lang->no_auto_subscribe}</option>
		<option value="1" {$no_email_subscribe_selected}>{$lang->no_email_subscribe}</option>
		<option value="2" {$instant_email_subscribe_selected}>{$lang->instant_email_subscribe}</option>

change to:

<td colspan="2">
	<select name="subscriptionmethod" id="subscriptionmethod">
		<option value="0">{$lang->no_auto_subscribe}</option>
		<option value="1">{$lang->no_email_subscribe}</option>
		<option value="2" selected="selected">{$lang->instant_email_subscribe}</option>

Be careful about doing this though, not everybody may want this being pre-selected without them realising, it might even be illegal in some countries to have it pre-selected.