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Full Version: Multiple IP Addresses in account?
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Alright, I remember making a post about my board being hacked a few days ago. It seems that the person who has been hacking the forum bypassed the Restrict IP. We've managed to stop the hackings (but not the hacker getting into admin accounts).

When the person logs into an admin's account, he has the admin's IP and then his Tor Server IP next to it. For example When I view a staff's hijacked account the IP views like this:

IP: <Staff IP here> <Hacker IP here> [lookup]

It shows the same in who is online as well. I'm wondering what this means. Does it mean there is someone in the staff member's account, or if he's spoofed the IP somehow or anything else.

Any replies are appreciated.
You can't have two IP addresses at the same time, but if it's somehow showing something like that, then yes, they must be spoofing the IP.