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Full Version: Thread Count Pro
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Pages: 1 2
Regarding thread titles, I was wondering if it were possible to create thread titles such as the posting titles we have...

10 posts = 1 star
25 posts = 2 stars

Could we set thread titles additionally, such as...
10 threads = 1 star
50 threads = 2 stars

So, a separate title system based off of the # of threads we have.

Whats happen with this plugin?
(2011-04-02, 02:57 PM)abdonroda Wrote: [ -> ]Whats happen with this plugin?

It's awaiting validation. I uploaded v1.1 2 days ago.
It fixes a fatal error when you are deleting a thread made by a guest user.
(2011-04-02, 02:58 PM)Aquilez Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-02, 02:57 PM)abdonroda Wrote: [ -> ]Whats happen with this plugin?

It's awaiting validation. I uploaded v1.1 2 days ago.
It fixes a fatal error when you are deleting a thread made by a guest user.

Ah, okey. Thank you. Smile
nice plugins ......

now user can see right forward
I installed this plugin but nothing happened......... What's the problem??
I can't see thread on profile, postbit........Huh
Pages: 1 2